Create a Basic Stand-Alone Exam

An Exam can be part of a training course or as a stand-alone module you can assign to students.

In this example, the Exam is a typical  'Stand-Alone' type.


We recommend writing out all the questions of the exam in Word or another word processing app first. It is easier and quicker to edit here than in the online question editor, then copy-paste in your Exam questions.

If your Exam questions are going to contain any images, video, or other content, it’s a good idea to gather all that together on your computer in a folder so it is easy to find and add while you are editing the Exam.


In the Training Developer role, click the [+ New Module] button and select a ‘Blank’ module.

This opens the Module Settings page.  Name the module appropriately. 

For the rest of the Module Settings, refer to the ‘ Module Settings’ section of the Help article: “Creating Training Content and Exams"

Click the “Save New Module” button.  The Module will be in your ‘Draft’ modules. Find it, and open it in Edit mode.

You can put just the Exam in the module, but we strongly recommend putting an introduction Content Page before the exam and a Closing page after it to reduce Student confusion and help assure they properly finish and submit the Module.

In the Module’s Navigation Pane at left, click the [Add] button to add content to the Module, and select “ Content Page”. Make this the Intro page. 

We recommended to tell the student how many questions the exam is, the passing score, and how long it should take them, plus any additional materials or notes.

It is also important to instruct the student to continue to the end of the Module and SUBMIT it after they have successfully completed the Exam.

Click the [Save] button for that Content Page.


Click the [Add] button again and select “Exam”.  You now have a blank exam you can start adding questions to.  

If this is to be an ‘Open Book’ style of exam with a digital file of the material, ATTACH it to the Exam by clicking the Attachment button at the top of the content window 

and add your attachment(s) from your computer. If you do this, it’s a good idea to also have an Intro Page with a note instructing the Student to use the attachment.


Click the Exam Settings icon at top right (gear icon).  

Refer to the separate Help article “Exam Settings


Refer to the Help article “Exams: Adding Questions"


We recommend adding one more content page after the exam which tells the Student to ‘Submit’ the module.


Click the ‘Manage’ button (with a lock on it) at top left of the Navigation Pane.

You will notice that the pages in the Module have their default names. You should name the Intro and End pages, and most importantly, the Exam page itself.

It is important to title the Exam Page with the actual title of the exam as that is what will appear at the top of the saved copy of the exam when done, and it’s also how it will appear in the Records.  You don’t want to show an auditor a copy of a particular exam which is titled simply “Exam”.  Much better would be a specific title like “Winter Ops Safety Exam 2020” or “EXAM: Winter Ops Safety 2020”

To change page title, click on the page in the Navigation Pane to select it, then click the Edit icon to the right. You can then change the page name and click the green check mark ‘Save’ button.

To MOVE pages into the correct order, simply click on the page and drag it to where you want.  After moving, click the ‘Manage’ button again to lock the Navigation Pane to avoid accidental movement of the page.


Never assign a module to a bunch of Students without first assigning the module to someone to test it out. They should go through it as a Student right through to the end.  It is very rare that anyone makes a Module that has no mistakes in it, and you want to find those mistakes before assigning to a bunch of employees.
Exams can NOT be edited once a Module is published!  For both technical, regulatory, and legal reasons, once you publish a Module, you can not make ANY changes to the exam. The only edits you can make to a module once published is the contents of regular Content Pages, and there’s a special feature that tracks those changes.
If you do publish your Stand-Alone Exam Module, and then find something you need to change, you will have to de-publish the Module. It will not affect anyone who has already completed the Module, but any who had not started it or was in it but not finished, it will be as if they were never assigned it.

If you do make a change, and some people did already finish the module, you pretty much have to de-publish, then Save-As to make a new copy of the Module.  You can then Archive the original one and then edit and publish the new one. It’s strongly recommended you CHANGE THE TITLE of the new copy to differentiate it from the one some students already completed. For Example: “EXAM: Winter Ops Safety 2020 v2”


There are two possible types of Certificates you can have with this Stand-Alone Exam Module.  
Refer to the Help article: “ Certificates for Modules, Exams & Curriculums"
NOTE: For a Stand-Alone type Exam, it is recommend to turn ON the Exam Certificate and turn OFF the Module Certificate.
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