

What's New?

All-New Editor Window, Toolbar, and Navigation: Tons of great new features!


Edit Content On Mobile Devices: The content editor is now a ’responsive’ design which is compatible with mobile devices and browsers (such as IOS, Android and Windows Mobile operating systems running on iPhones, iPads, Smartphones and Tablets). You can do just about anything via a mobile device including adding images and video, however there are some limitations. Mobile operating systems still lack some functionality you have on computers

Insert Images: Drag-&-Drop or Copy-&-Paste directly into the content page!

Positioning Images: No more tables! Just drag or copy your image to the page, click on the image to open the Image Properties toolbar, and set the alignment via the Image Alignment button. Move the image up or down on the page on either the left side of page or right and the text will nicely ‘wrap’ around the image. Note that web browsers currently can not handle text wrapping on BOTH sides of an image. If you need that, you will have to use a 3 column table - and even that is easier now in the new editor.

Read more info on Images under the ‘Add Image’ section of the Toolbar Buttons Directory.

Adding PowerPoint Gets Easier: Copy-paste PowerPoint (“PPT”) slides content directly into your content page!

In PPT, you have the option to either click on the thumbnail of the slide in PPT’s pane on left (if showing) or in the slide itself, ‘select all’ (Control+a in Windows, Command+a in Mac) and ‘copy’ it, then place your cursor in the content editor window and ‘paste’. IMPORTANT: When doing this, it makes a single IMAGE of everything on the PPT page except its background and video. So the PPT appears nicely in your online module page, but it is NOT editable. You can, however, add text and other content to the page around that image.

Saving Content: Saving your content is now much faster and the ‘blinking’ of the page is gone. Also, when you click on an page in the Nav Pane, it will save the content on the page you were just editing.

Remember: When you put content on a page, it exists only on your screen until you ‘save’ the page.

Page Settings: There is no longer a ‘Page Settings’ button because these features are now buttons in the toolbar!

IMPORTANT: Online editing is NOT the same as or desktop publishing or word processing software! All web-based content editors are actually little software apps that run inside your browser software. They are limited to the capabilities of your browser and HTML software code and JavaScript. Therefore, many things will function differently and there is a limited amount of features. You may find a couple things a little ‘quirky’ which you have to adapt to.

Also, the viewer may look at your content through a different software product (browser and operating system) on a different device type of a very different size. So, a page you lay out on your 17 inch wide screen using Chrome on a new desktop computer will look somewhat different to a person using Safari browser on an iPad Mini or a Smartphone. We use ‘responsive’ type code so that the content will adjust for the viewer so the do see it all, but sometimes that requires moving things around on the page quite a bit.

A few suggestions:

1. Use a word processor (i.e.: MS Word) to author and edit your text first, then copy and paste the text into the online editor. In the long run, this will save you a lot of time and trouble since working with text in a word processor is much faster and easier than doing it in a web browser via a live internet connection.

2. Keep the design and layout of your pages as simple as you can while still making them look nice. The more complex the layout of your page is, the more quirky it can be to work with in an online browser, and the more chance of it looking different to the viewer.

3. Make each page an enjoyable experience for the reader by keeping it relatively short (1 - 4 paragraphs per page recommended) and having at least one visual (image/video) on every page whenever possible.

4. Before getting into building a big course, play around with the online editing for a while. Try out as many of the different toolbar buttons and features as feasible so you become familiar with the features available to you and the particular ways they work.

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