Modify an Existing Safety Report


This enables you to modify an existing incident/accident/hazard report form.

To modify a safety report form from an existing one, use the Safety Report Forms function. 

Note: Only the Safety Manager role can modify Safety Report Forms.

To begin, from the Safety Manager home page, click on "Forms".

Next, Select the location of the form you want to modify. Either Draft Forms (1) (open by default), Published Forms (2) or Archived Forms (3). You can then click on the form you would like to Modify (4).

You can now modify the title, starting number (draft only) and Form (elements) of the report. For help on the various elements of the report, please view this article: Create a New Safety Report

Note: If the form you are modifying is either published or archived, saving the report will automatically change the version number, and students who fill out the report after the modification will be using the new version.

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