Safety Reports Overview

This feature is included with the system. It is managed via the “Safety Manager” role and reports are submitted via Student role.


This enables you to create incident/accident/hazard report forms that can closely resemble your own paper forms, then anyone with a Student account in your system can fill in and submit reports. Reports can then be viewed by Safety Manager(s), tasks assigned and tracked, reports finalized and closed out. 

Each report is sequentially numbered for integrity in audits. Closed reports go into a company wide reports library.  There are options for anonymity in the reports. 

Reports data can be exported to spreadsheets or analytics tools, but there currently is no analytics in this system.


  • Use the included template form or build your own form(s) with the form building tool. Make as many forms as you like.  You can set forms to be submitted anonymously, or anonymous by choice if you like; or you can specify certain fields that will be redacted from the final, closed report.
  • When an employee has an incident to report, they sign into their Student Desk, click Safety Reports tab, and select the appropriate form.
  • Employee fills in form and can attach documents like photos, police reports, etc. Then they submit it. That Student user will be able to view the report when they log in.
  • When the form is submitted, it gets sequentially numbered. Client has no control over the numbering, and this is key to the value of this system as it gives your reports system integrity and thus valuable for audits.
  • The person(s) with Safety Manager role receive email notification a report has been submitted.
  • The Safety manager can log in and view report.
  • Safety Manager can assign tasks to anyone in your system with a Student account. They are notified by email. They can then view the report and communicate within it, including adding attachments. 
  • When the Safety Manager has marked all tasks as complete, they can then fill-in the closing remarks and add any further attachments.
  • When the report is closed out, it goes into the company reports library where anyone in your company with a Student account can view it in the Safety Reports area.
  • There are currently no analytics, however each closed out report can be exported as .csv and put into spreadsheets or exported to an analytics tool.


Have the Registrar of your system submit a Tokens Request for the number of Safety Manager tokens you would like. There is no cost. Then start using it!  Contact our support team if you have any questions or would like an initial tutorial session.

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