Create a New Safety Report from a Template


This enables you to create incident/accident/hazard report forms from an existing template. Anyone with a Student account in your system can fill in and submit reports. Reports can then be viewed by Safety Manager(s), tasks assigned and tracked, reports finalized and closed out. 

Each report is sequentially numbered for integrity in audits. Closed reports go into a company wide reports library.  There are options for anonymity in the reports. 

Reports data can be exported to spreadsheets or analytics tools, but there currently is no analytics in this system.

To create a new safety report form from a template, use the Safety Report Forms function. 

Note: Only the Safety Manager role can create new Safety Report Forms. 

To begin, from the Safety Manager home page, click on "Forms".

Next, select "+ New form from template"

Next, select the template you'd like to use to create your form (1) - this will provide a description of the template. Now click "USE SELECTED TEMPLATE" (2)

You will now see the SETTINGS page. Here you will enter your Form Name (1), the Starting Number of your Report (2) (this defaults to 1) and the Anonymous Reporting options (3)

Once you have completed these steps, click FORM to continue (4)

You will now see the template generated report: 

You can now edit this template to suit your company needs by adding or removing elements. Please see the following link for instructions on the various report elements: Create a New Safety Report

Save / Publish:

When you have finished editing your report, click "SAVE" (1). This will save your report to draft. When you have completed all edits to the report and are ready to publish, click on the ellipsis (2) and select "PUBLISH"  If you need to delete the report, or send the archive the report once it is published, you can also do this by clicking on the ellipsis.

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