Manage Question Bank Categories

Categories are used to arrange your questions into a specific group that have common characteristics. 

In the Question Bank, you can access your category questions by using a filter in the Question Bank.
For more info regarding filters, visit the Manage Question Bank Article.

Categories management can be accessed on the Manage Questions or Create Question (Multiple Choice and Hotspot) sections.

On Manage Questions page, open the filters by clicking on the filter icon, located left of the search field.

 Next, click on the "Edit Categories" icon, located left of the categories section.

This should bring out an Edit Categories window.

Here, you can rename, add and remove categories. 

When deleting or renaming your categories, please note that this action cannot be undone. It will affect all questions related with this category.

Please note: If a category has more then one question associated with it, it cannot be deleted. In this instance, you will need to find the question with the category (see Manage Question Bank Article) and remove that category from that question first.

Accessing Edit Categories from Create Question, select multiple choice or hotspot question type. Just like in the Manage Questions section, click on the "Edit Categories" Icon to reveal the Edit Categories window.

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