Create and Edit Questions in Question Bank

Creating Questions in Question Bank

To create question in the question bank, click on "Create Question" link in the top right navigation.

Here, you will be presented with two options to create questions: Multiple Choice and Hotspot.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Creating a multiple choice question is straight forward process:

  • Type or copy/paste the question into the Question Editor field. You can style your question as you want, as well as insert images and videos.
  • Add answers below in the text fields below the Question Editor. If you need more then 2 answers, select the number of answers from the menu and click "Add Answers" button.

  • To select the correct answer, click on the dot next to the answer. The correct answer will be highlighted in green.
  • You can delete an answer by clicking the trash can icon on the right.
  • Optionally, you can select categories and keywords associated with the question so you can find it easier at a later time.

  • If you don't see your category in the list, click on "More..." this will bring up a list of available categories. Click on the category to select, you can add multiple categories at the same time. Click "Done".

    To add keywords, simply type a keyword in the "New Keyword" field and click "Add". Click on (X) next to the keyword to remove it from the list.

  • Click "Save" to finalize your question creation.

    If you like to create a new question based on the one you just created ( retaining the same question, answers, categories and keywords ), click on "Save & Copy Question" button. This will save your current question and copy the information for you to create a new question without the need of re-typing everything gain.

  • Click "Cancel" to go back to manage questions page without saving this question.

HotSpot Questions:

Creating HotSpot questions follow similar process as Multiple choice questions, with one exception: adding image with hotspots.

  • Click or drag & drop image on the "Add Hotspot Image" area to upload an image from your computer.
  • Once you successfully uploaded an image, you can click and drag boxes from the top-left corner and arrange them on the image.
  • By Default, you will have 2 hotspots corresponding to the answers below the image.

  • To Add more hotspots, select how many you like to add from the dropdown, click "Add Answer" button and a new hotspot should appear on the image in the top-left corner.
  • You can manipulate the hotspots using the handles (3 blue dots on the hotspot). They can be resized vertically and horizontally. You can move the hotspots by clicking (any ware on the hotspot area) and holding the mouse button while dragging it to a specific place on the image. 

  • Green hotspot indicates a correct answer while red indicates wrong answer. See above (Multiple Choice questions) to see how to set up correct answer.
  • Click on "Change Image" button to replace the existing image with a new one.

    Please note, changing an image will retain your current hotspots and answers

Editing Question in Question Bank

To Edit a question, click on the edit icon from the questions list.

This will redirect you to the edit page where all your question data populated.

  1. Edit content of the question
  2. Add, remove or edit answers
  3. Categorize the question by selecting appropriate category. You can add to multiple categories. Click on "more..." to see all available categories.

    To create a new category, click on "Edit Categories" icon 

    In the Edit Categories window, you can add new category by typing in the field marked "New Category" and click "Add" button.

    The new category will be added to the list as well as selected in the categories section.

    See Manage Question Bank Categories for how to edit categories

  4. Add new keywords by typing a keyword in the "keywords" field, click "Add" button. Repeat this action for every new keyword you like to add. Click on (X) next to the keyword to remove it from the list.
  5.  Every question has additional information attached to it. By clicking "Relationships" link, you have options to see "Similar Questions" (questions that are alike in content to the one you're editing ) as well as "Related Modules" where you can see what modules are using this question.

    Versions is a list of edits made to the question. You can click on the date (that indicates the time this version was created) and get version information such as Created by (who created this version) created date and Modified By (who edited this version last) with the modification date.

    Also, you can see the content of the question for that version such as the question and it's answers, categories and keywords. 

    Please note: A version is created anytime someone edits this question and saves it. You cannot use this to revert the question to a different version, it's for information purposes only.

    If you see a message: "This questions has no version", that means you're the first one editing this question so there is no previous versions available. Once you save your changes, this will be logged as a version.

Please contact if you encounter any issues during this process.

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