Import/Export Question Bank Questions

Exporting Backup File of Questions From Question Bank

Question Bank Import/Export tool will enable you to download to your computer a 'Backup File' which contains all questions in your Question Bank complete with their possible answers, categories, keywords and images.  That backup file can then be imported back into your Questions Bank should you need to do so.  It will not duplicate nor over-write any same questions already existing in your Question Bank.  
You could also send the downloaded 'Backup File' to another company for them to import into their own Question Bank in this system.  They use the same 'Import' function to add those questions to their Question Bank.
Please note: If you want to upload questions from an external source (e.g. other question sources) please, refer to the  Upload Questions section.
To access the Import/Export feature, under “ Content”, select “ Question Bank”.
Once in the Question bank, from the top navigation, click on “ Import/Export Questions” link.

Next, click on “Backup/import Questions” box.

Once on the “Import/Export Questions” page, click on the “Export Question Bank” button.

By clicking the button, you have engaged the export process. Depending on the size of the Question Bank, the time to export might be instant or take few minutes.

Please note: Do not navigate away from this page (close the browser or click back). This can cancel the download.
Once the download started, in your browser status bar, you should see a similar message: 

Once successful, you should see your download file ready in both the browser status bar as well as your downloads folder.

File available in the downloads folder of your windows computer:

At this point, the export has successfully completed. 
Please note: The ZIP file you have downloaded cannot be altered or modified, it is used strictly as a backup file that can be used to revert or transfer question bank data.

Importing (uploading) Backup File of Questions To The Question Bank

To import existing question bank, make sure you have the file that was generated by Ascent. This is done by exporting a backup file. See above steps on how to generate a backup file.

On the “ Import/Export Questions” page, click or drag your backup file that you generated in the “ Exporting Question Bank” section to the marked section.

This action should automatically start the upload process.

Please note: Depending on the size of your backup, it might take few minutes to upload and process the file. You can navigate away from this page. You will receive an email when the process is finished.

Once the process is finished, you can revisit the question bank and in “Manage Questions” you should see the imported questions.

Transferring Questions From Your Question Bank To Another Company

You can transfer the questions between different companies in this system by following the above steps for “ Exporting Question Bank” to generate the Backup File, which you then send to the other company.  For them to import questions into their Question Bank, flow the above steps for “ Importing Question Bank”.
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