Uploading CSV Questions to the Question Bank


  • Spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel, Google sheets or other spreadsheet app.
  • Basic understanding in how to manipulate Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet files using the previously mentioned apps.

Please note, for backup and/or Learning Center question bank transfer, see Import/Export questions from Question Bank topic.

Setting up the file:

  1. First action should be to download the template file, this will download a file called: “questionBank_template.csv”, 
  2. Look for this file in your “Downloads” Folder. 
  3. Open the file using Microsoft Excel, you can also use Google docs, LibreOffice or any other spreadsheet application.
  4. Once you open the file, you should notice 2 rows.

    The first row indicates the row name, for example: question.
    The second row is an example questions, this should give you an idea how the question data is structured. Important: delete this row before uploading  

    See image below for mapping example from the file to the interface.
    Please note: Adding or removing additional answer columns is not supported, you can have maximum and minimum of 8 answers.
  5. CorrectAnswer is a number that corresponds to the position of the answer column in the document. For example: “correctAnswer” value is 3, thus “answer3” is going to be set as correct answer.
  6. Categories and Keywords are comma separated values, for example: “Maintenance,marshall”.
  7. Once you filled your document, save it (downloads folder is default, but you can save it anywhere you like on your computer.) and follow the uploading instructions.

Uploading the file:

  1. Once your file is ready, upload your file by dragging it on the “Choose File” section or click “choose file” to find it on your computer
  2. Once  uploaded, you will see a preview of the file. This will show you what is being submitted to the question bank. 
  3. If you have errors, you will not be able to submit your questions. Scroll to the top and read the summary of errors for your file.
  4. To fix the errors, you need to return to your file and fix what is necessary.
  5. Once you fixed the errors, you need to re-upload the file. 
  6. If there is no errors, your “Save” button in enabled and no errors are listed. Click “Save” to process your file.
  7. Once the file uploaded and processed successfully, you should see the questions in your question bank under “Manage Questions”. 
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