Adding / Enrolling Students to the System

After you are logged in the system as Registrar, please follow the steps below to enroll a new user in the system.

  1. Click on Users tab on the left menu

2. Click on 'Enroll Student' button near the top of the page.

3. Follow the steps below after the User Enrollment window is displayed.

  1. Select 'New' for a new student, or 'From Archive' if you are re-enrolling a student from your archive, then click 'Next';
  2. Fill out the form with the required information i.e First name, last name, email address/username and password. The email address and username has to be unique in your learning center. A password can be entered manually, or you can generate a random password using the password generator. Please follow the guidelines below while entering the password manually;

    • Must be at least 6 characters long
    • Must contain at least one letter
    • Must contain at least one number
    • Must contain mixed (upper and lower) case OR contain punctuation (!.,@#$, etc.)

  3. Select a Coach for the user, add the user to Student Groups, select the Student User type, and Enrollment Notification Email details. 

5. After the form is filled out with user's information, click 'Next' to proceed to the last step of the user enrollment process.

6. After clicking 'Next' you will be greeted with a pop-up asking if you would like to include the user's Sign-In Username and Password. 

7. Click Enroll to complete the enrollment of the user.

NOTE: If a student has access to multiple Learning Centers in ASCENT, please refer to this help article

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