Users Page


We have collected feedback and suggestions from our clients and combined them with a whole new update of software code to give you a better, more efficient experience as well as improve system performance and reliability. This also makes major improvements in operating the system via mobile devices such as iPads, smartphones, and tablets.


  1. 'People' tab is now called 'Users'.
  2. Both ‘Students’ and ‘Staff’ role users are on the same page, separated by tabs. Users page opens in ‘Student’ tab by default.


  • All parts of Users management will now load much faster.
  • Design is ‘dynamically responsive’, making tasks simpler and more intuitive.
  • All users management functions can now easily be done on mobile devices.
  • Reduction in the number of pages you need to work with.

Rolodex and Page controls

Modified "Rolodex" bar letters are greyed out if there are no users with a last name starting with that letter.

The old 'Next' and 'Previous' page controls are replaced with new Page controls which are displayed at the bottom of the users list to load the next/previous set of users. The 'Next' and 'Previous' button will be greyed out if you cannot move forward/backward through the list. Also, we have included a total number of users count for the selected tab (i.e Students/Staff)

User Action Buttons

We have eliminated most page refresh and pop-up windows. Everything that was displayed in pop-up windows is now displayed in a separate view. All the menu items that were under the 'Actions' column are now replaced with action buttons, menu items in the User Account settings or tab items.

Student's Action Buttons

  1. Click the student's name under 'Name' column to go to the User's Account settings where you can manage their current training, Documents and OLTE's.

Manage Training

  1. Click on the 'Manage' button under student's name column to manage/view user's training.
  2. Toggle List View
  3. Click on the Manage Training button to go and mange student's training

New Features

Document Verification

Now, you can add document verification information for each of the personal documents. The system will input the logged in user's name in the 'Verified By' (editable) automatically.

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