Exam Settings


If this feature is enabled, when Student fails an exam (score is less than "Min. Pass Mark"), the student will be able to Re-Take the exam.

The student will see their ‘Exam Summary’ showing all the questions and the Student’s selections, and marked correct or incorrect. There are buttons at the top and bottom of the Exam Summary "< Retake Exam". When the student clicks that, they are taken back to the first question in the exam. If the question was answered correctly, they can click ‘Next Question’. When they get to a question they had incorrect, no answer is selected for it and they must select one in order to continue to next question.

When they finish the last question of exam, they either pass and they can click "Save Progress & Continue" or they can Retake the exam again (as many times as you allow in the "Exam Lockout" feature in the Exam Setup).

You can set it so that when the Student Retakes an exam, the Navigation Window opens. This setting is in the Exam Setup. It is highly recommended to do this. It allows the student to look up the information for the questions they got wrong and learn the correct answers before trying the exam again.

TIP: If you set an exam pass score to 80%, and the student passes the exam with that mark, then you are assured the student does NOT know 20% of what they are supposed to. We highly recommend that nearly all workplace training course exams be set to 100% pass mark, the Retake Exam enabled, and the Open Nav on Retake is turned on. This way when a student has successfully completed a course, you are assured (and have documentation to show) that they know 100% of what they are supposed to.


When a Student fails an Exam, and you have the Exam set to 'Enable Re-take on Fail', then the student can begin the re-take only after the time period you have selected here. When Student comes back to Exam, they will still be on the Exam Review page and the Re-Take button will be disabled. There will be a display of when the Student can re-take it. If this setting is used, it applies equally if you choose the 'Exam Lockout' feature. So, for example,if you set the Re-take delay to 1 day, and the Lockout after 3 attempts, then each time the student fails they will have to wait one day before their next attempt. After the third time they fail, they are locked out. If the exam is re-set by the Instructor, they can try another 3 times, but the Re-take delays will still occur. If you use this feature, we recommend that you insert a notice in the Content before the Exam (probably good idea to do it at beginning of course) telling them they will not be able to re-take exam if they fail for X number of hours or days that you have set. 

Why Use This Feature? 

  • If a Student knows they won't be able to re-take a failed exam for certain period of time, it may motivate them to pay more attention to the course content so they will be able to finish the course without delays.
  • It gives the Instructor and/or Manager time to take some action with the Student before they try the exam again. If you have enabled 'Exam Email Notification', then whoever you have set up in the Email Destinations for it will receive that notification each time the student finishes the exam (whether they fail or pass).
  • It may encourage the Student to take some time to review course materials before making another attempt at an exam they failed.
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