Self Corrected to 100%

Making the online training exams as 'Self-Corrected to 100%' is one of the best and most commonly used features by the hundreds of aviation companies using. And this has been through many hundreds (probably thousands) of audits by Transport Canada and FAA.


If the exam in the module comes after training content (not stand-alone in the module), then you simply set the pass score and enable re-take. To make it more effective, you can link the related course content pages to the exam questions.

  • In Training Developer, open the module and go the exam page. Click the 'Exam Settings' (gear icon at top right). Set the 'Minimum Pass Mark' to 100%
  • Turn ON the switch for "Retake Exam" if it is not already on. (see "Exam Lockouts" for further details)
  • You then have options, if you like to set a re-take delay and/or a lockout after a set number of fail attempts. Most people do not set a delay, and do set a lockout after 3 attempts.
  • Click the Save button at bottom.

That's what most clients do to their exams. When student has completed the module, it's good practice to go into Records/Exams Scores, open their exam scores to view the completed exams, and if they did not get 100% on the first try, note which questions they got wrong and go over those with the student in person, by phone, or other means.

Now, to take it the next step, insert Question Reference Links. Open the exam and open a question in 'edit' mode. In the toolbar the icon on bottom row, second from right, looks like a sort of bookmark. Click it. A window opens which has the module's navigation on the left. Now find the page in the module that relates to that question and select it, then click the little X at top right to close the window. You will notice the toolbar button icon has turned red to indicate that question has a reference link. 

When a student submits their exam and fails, they will see their completed exam with all the questions scored. They can go to the questions they got wrong, read them to learn the correct answers, and then when ready, they can re-take the exam, hopefully getting those questions correct now that they have learned the material.


If there is no training content in the module, then obviously the Question Reference Links won't work. In that case, we recommend setting the exam pass mark at 100% and setting the Lockout to ONE attempt. Note you can set it for the system to send you an email when the student gets locked out. In this case, you would go the Records/Exam Scores and open up their completed (and failed) exam. Print that off and go over with student. Then you can 'reset' the lockout so they can do another attempt.


You can turn this feature ON and then select the maximum number of fails a student can have (from 1 - 5) before they are locked out. Upon scoring of a failed exam which is the one that reaches the maximum amount, the student sees a warning advising they have exceeded their maximum number of fails, are locked out, and must see the Instructor, Manager, or Registrar to get it un-locked.

In the Instructor, Manager, and Registrar roles, in Records section, there is a report 'Exam Lockouts'. After the responsible person reviews the exams with the student, they can go to that report and Re-set the lockout for that exam for that student, with that same number of attempts before lockout again.

IMPORTANT: When you re-set the exam lockout, it DELETES all record of the failed exams and makes it exactly how it was when the student first got to that exam. If you want copies of those failed exams, you must go into records and download or print them BEFORE you re-set the exam lockout.

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