

A 'Competency' is a group of completed training courses (both on-line and off-line) and/or curriculums and documents which are required for a person to be able to do a certain task or hold a certain job position.


You are not allowed to operate a company forklift until you have your ‘Forklift Operator’ competency. To have that competency, you must have ALL of the following:

"Warehouse Safety” online course completion certificate [completed module]

“Forklift Orientation” online course & practical exercise completion certificate [completed ‘Practical Component’ module]

“Forklift Operator’s Course” completed at the forklift dealer’s training center. [Recorded in Off-Line Training Records]

Valid vehicle Driver’s License [Recorded in Personal Documents]

So, if for a particular job you need three employees to operate forklifts, you can go into your ‘Competencies’ report, look up ‘Forklift Operator’ and you will be presented with a list of staff who have ALL 4 of the above listed requirements (as recorded in the system).

Generally, you create (or ‘build’) your competencies by selecting the combination of online modules, online curriculums, off line training, and personal documents. This is done in REGISTRAR role. There is a tab on the left side called Utilities and on Utilities page there is Competencies.

Then the system just tracks the modules, curriculums, off-line training, and documents for each student. After you assign a competency to a student, it will show up in the ‘Competencies’ report in Records. The system also tracks the expiry dates that are set for any of the competency items and uses the most closest expiring one as the expiry of that Competency.

Creating Competencies:

In REGISTRAR role, currently there is a tab at left called Utilities and the Utilities page there is Competencies.

Click the big blue “Add Competencies” tab. The first part is to give the competency a name (i.e.: “Forklift Operator”).

Below the Competency name is a list of requirements separated out into tabs and a summary of what this competency consists of. As you are building a new competency, it is currently empty.

Each type of Competency component opens up when you click on its ‘tab’. The items listed are only items you have already created / set up in your system.

Select all the components to the competency and click the Create button. That’s it!

Assigning Competencies to Students:

You can assign competencies to students by going to the applicable student's profile in the Users > Students area as a Registrar. After you have opened their profile, you can select the competencies tab, and then the "Add Competencies" menu item on the left. You can then select a competency, assign a due date and add notes and finally assign that competency which will then show up in the competency report and the students listed competencies.

Competency Expiry:

All Competency Components must be ‘Currently’ valid for a Student. If one of the Components has expired for a particular student, that student no longer has that Competency.

Competency Records & Finding Students With Competencies:

In Registrar and Manager roles, click the Records tab on left. One of the Reports is called “Competencies”. When you open that, you can then generate your competency report. There are several options, all of which should be relatively easy to figure out.

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