Off-Line Training Events



This feature enables you to keep track of training which is not done via this system. This may be things like classroom training, seminars, third party training, etc.

Off-Line Training Events (OLTEs) can be entered for each student in REGISTRAR role. In REGISTRAR/Settings, you can also allow MANAGER role to enter OLTEs for students (if ‘Student Actions Menu’ is enabled for Manager), and you can enable the Student to enter and control their own (in their Profile page). In REGISTRAR or MANAGER, go to People tab, then Students, then find the student you want, pull down their ‘Actions’ menu and select ‘Manage Off-Line Training.

For each OLTE you can upload a scan of any certificate or other document associated with it, as well as set an expiry date with automated email reminders. If you click the ‘More Options’ button, you can add further details like training provider, cost, and other info.

The NAMES of the OLTEs are controlled in REGISTRAR/Settings. This is to prevent users from entering different versions of an OLTE name (i.e.: Driver’s License, Driver License, Driving Permit, etc.) and thus enable the reports to be effective.

In the RECORDS section in REGISTRAR and MANAGER, there is a report for OFF-LINE TRAINING where you can view upcoming expiring OLTEs and other information.

Please read the ‘info bubbles’ (i) in the OLTE settings window for further details on each function.


Want to enter a bunch of Off-Line Training Events for one or many students? There is a new feature in the UTILITIES tab in Registrar you can use to do this. The instructions there tell you how to configure your Excel (or other brand) of spreadsheet or database file for quick, easy import into the system.

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