Document Manager - Set Up Permissions

Please note: only the Registrar role has access to manage permissions.

In the document manager, you can manage access for individual folders or files. For example, you can set folder and its contents to only be accessible to a particular role, (eg. student) or a student group.

Please note: By default, all student access to files and folders are set to “View Only”.

You can access the permissions setting of a file or a folder by clicking the ellipsis icon under the Action Column, next to the item.

There are four levels of permissions, however only three levels to choose from:

No Access: this will hide the item from the selected role or student group.

View Only: Can only view or download the item, not edit or upload for the selected role or student group.

Can make changes: allows the role or student group to manage, alter the item.

Mixed: This is not a selectable permission. It indicates that a role (such as Student) has different student groups assigned to it.

To assign a permission level to a role, select the level from the drop-down next to the role. You can also assign a level to all roles at once by selecting a level next to All Roles.

If a particular role is not visible, use the Find and add role... (1, above) search field to find and add it to the list. Don't forget to "Save Permissions" (3, below) when done.

By default, there will not be any student groups listed, unless there is a permission level already attached to it. To assign student group permission, use the Find and add student group… (2, below) field by typing the name of the group (a list of suggestions should come up), click the “Add” (4, below) button. This should add the group to the list. Don’t forget to save “Save Permissions” (3 ,below) once done.

You can remove the role or student group from the list by clicking the remove icon (below). This will default the level to View Only.

Please note: all folder permissions are inherited, that means that if, as a Registrar, you upload a file into a folder with View Only permissions, the uploaded file will have the same setting.

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