Document Manager - Create Folders and Upload Files

Create a New Folder:

You can create a new folder by clicking the “New” button located on top, right side (1), select New Folder (2). Then, you will be asked for a folder name; click Create. You will now notice a new folder located in the current directory.

Upload a File:

There are two ways to upload a new file:

  • Drag your file onto the document manager folder list. Once you’re dragging your file, you should see a drop field, drag-and-drop your file over the target and the file will automatically upload into the current directory (feature not available on Mobile version).
  • Click the “New” button located on the top, right side. Select Upload Document. You can now drag-and-drop your file onto the target area or click the target area to find the file on your computer. Click “Close” when you’re done.

Please note: You cannot upload files into the Home folder directly, you will need to create a new folder and upload it there. Also, if the folder permissions is set to “View Only”, you will not be able to upload or create a folder. If you do not have permission to upload a file or create a folder, please contact your Registrar.

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