Document Manager - Navigating Files and Folders

Navigating Files and Folders in the Document Manager

Desktop Version:

Folders are indicated using the blue folder icon (1).

To open a folder, double-click on the folder name or icon. This will take you to its contents.

Single click will highlight the folder and give you additional folder information on the left such as permissions as well as date created/modified and modified by name (by expanding the General tab).

Files are indicated by an icon based on the file type (for example, PDF file will have a PDF icon.

To open a file, double click the file name or the icon, this will open that file in its own tab.

Single click will highlight the file and give you additional file information on the left such as permissions as well as date created/modified and modified by name (by expanding the General tab). In addition, if the file is an image, you will get a small image preview.

Use single-clicks to navigate on the right panel between Documents, Favorites and Deleted sections.

Mobile device:

Navigating files and folders require only one tap on the file name or icon.

For folders, a single tap will open the folder and present the contents.

For files, a single tap will open the file in a new browser tab.

To access Favorites and Deleted, click on the menu icon (2, above), located on the right side.

Please note, unlike on Desktop, there is no need to double-tap anything. The mobile version does not have an image preview at this time.

Mobile and Desktop:

Above the document listings, you can find a Breadcrumb. A breadcrumb is a trail that lets you maintain awareness of your location and navigate back in the folder path.

You can also use your browsers back and forwards buttons to navigate.

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