Practical Component Module


The practical component can be used when there is both a theory and practical portion to the training you are delivering. Turn this option ON if this online module is the theory component of training that also requires a ‘PRACTICAL’ / ‘HANDS-ON’ / ‘LAB’ exercise to be done in order to complete this training.

When the Student completes the online module, the module is NOT shown as complete, but rather it shows ‘Pending Practical’ until the appropriate Manager or Instructor logs into their role and checks off the Practical for the student, as per a list of ‘Students Waiting for Practical’ they will see when they sign in.

Either the Manager of the Student Group the Student is in (set in Registrar/People/Staff/Actions), or the Instructor(s) of the Module (set in Module Settings) will be able to sign in and confirm when the Practical component is completed. You must select the Manager or Instructor or Both to be able to do this.

After the Practical Component is checked off as complete, the Module Certificate will be emailed (if it is turned on). 

Signing Off Practical Components: 

When logged in as Manager or Instructor, you'll have a "Practical Component" icon on the left side of the page (1) 
You'll then see a screen with any students who need their practical training component signed off. (2) You will also see the time / date that they finished the online portion of their training. (3) Next you can click "Practical Completed" (4) to 'sign' that the student has completed the practical component, adding in any time for the Practical training as needed. (5) Once this is complete, you can upload applicable documents as required by clicking the "Upload" button. (5) Once this is done, click "Confirm Complete" to save any changes.

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