Features Control


Features Control allows you (the Registrar) to enable or disable certain features within the system for both Students and Staff. These settings control the options for ALL students/staff. 


Student Directory - Toggles the ability for Students to view the student Directory;

Show Secondary ID Column - Toggles the view for the Secondary ID Column;

Staff Directory - Toggles the Staff Directory view for Students;

Star Ratings Page - Toggles the Star Ratings Page at the end of a module. This enables students to rate courses on Content Quality and Training Quality;

Reference Library - Toggles Reference Library availability for Students;

Glossary - Toggles Glossary availability for Students;

Rec Room - Toggles Rec Room availability for Students;

Links - Toggles Links availability for Students;

Records - Toggles Records availability for Students;

Module Certificates - Toggles Show module certificate link in completed module items;

Safety Reports - Toggles Safety Reports availability for Students;

Safety Reports in Library Access - Toggles Safety Reports Library and all closed out safety reports for Students. Normally, when a Safety Report is ‘closed out’ by the Safety Manager, it goes into the Safety Reports library, which is viewable by all Student users in your system. If you turn this to OFF, then the Safety Reports library link will be hidden from all Students in your system

Note* General business practices of Safety Reports systems is that all employees can view reports once they have been closed out by the appropriate person(s) at the company. This sharing of info is intended to increase safety awareness in the workplace;

Enrollment Email Notification - Toggles 'Notify Student' to ON by default when you are enrolling a new students in the system; 

Allow Simultaneous Open Modules - If turned ON students can only open one module at a time;

Safety Reports - Enable Add 'Action Item Notes' - This applies only if you have a Safety Manager role activated, and at least one Safety Report Form in ‘active’ mode, and if in the Registrar/Settings you have the Safety Reports toggle set to on for Students;

Allow to edit name in profile - Toggles the ability of the student to edit their name in their profile;

Manage Off-Line Training Events - If enabled, Students can add/modify their Off-Line Training Events;

Manage Personal Documents - If enabled, students can add/modify their personal documents;

Manage Ratings & Endorsements - If enabled, students can add/modify their Ratings & Endorsements;



Staff Directory - Toggles Staff Directory availability for Managers;

Reference Library - Toggles Staff Reference Library availability for Managers;

Manage Off-Line Training Events Items - This option adds the button link in the 'Manage Off-Line Training' window while adding a new Off-Line Training for a student. This allows the Managers also to manage (Add, Edit and Delete) the Off-Line Training names;

Manage Personal Documents Items - This option adds the button link in the 'Manage Documents' window while adding a new Document for a student. This allows the Managers also to manage (Add, Edit and Delete) the Document names;

Allow Managers to edit Student's profile - Toggles the ability for Managers to edit a Student's profile. Default is OFF;

Control student actions - Allows a Manager to manager offline training, documents, and coach for a Student;

Receive reminders - If enabled, Managers will receive module due date, offline and document expiry email notifications;

Able to assign training - Toggles the ability for managers to assign training to their students;

Able to suspend student accounts - Toggles the ability for managers to suspend their students accounts;

Allow access to safety reports - Toggles Safety Reports availability for Managers;

Training Developer:

Enable curriculum management - Enables Training Developers to create new or manage existing curriculum;

Safety Manager / Safety Reports:

Report forms share numbering - Makes all report forms be numbered together sequentially, regardless of type. Generally not enabled;

Allow safety managers to enable notes in safety reports - Toggles the ability for Safety Managers to enable notes in Safety Reports;

Allow safety reports to be redacted - Toggles the ability for Safety Reports to be redacted;

Other Staff Settings:

Staff Directory - Toggles Staff Directory availability for all other staff roles.

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