Certificates for Modules, Exams & Curriculums



MODULE CERTIFICATE: Created and e-mailed when a Student successfully reaches the end of a Module. Controlled in Registrar/Content tab/Certificates.

CURRICULUM CERTIFICATE: Created and e-mailed when a Student successfully completes ALL the modules within a Curriculum. Controlled in Registrar/Content tab/Curriculum/Curriculum Settings.

EXAM CERTIFICATE: Created and e-mailed when a Student achieves a Minimum Pass Mark that is set for that Exam. Controlled in Training Developer/Module/Exam page/Exam Settings


Created and e-mailed when a Student successfully reaches the end of a module.

Since a Module Certificate relates to an entire module, it is controlled in 'Registrar' role in Content tab / Certificates. By default, the Module Certificate is turned ON when a module is Published and it is set to send to the Student only.

Set who the Module Certificate will go to by selecting "Certificate Email Destinations' from the 'Select Action' menu for the particular module in the list.

Choose whether to send a HTML Certificate (email that allows pictures in it) and/or attach a PDF (nicely printable certificate) of the certificate.  The PDFs are in 200 dpi print-quality resolution (as compared to 72 dpi web resolution for the HTML certificates).  We can set up your system with a 300 dpi company logo too if you like. Contact us for details.

Add a 'Details' page, which is a second page of a Certificate which you can add whatever details you like.

Add a 'Custom Logo' to the Certificate which is in addition to your company logo that appears on the certificate.  

Add a Wallet Card to the Certificate.  Click the Wallet Card tools button and use the editor to create the page which will be attached to the certificate email.

The 'Date' shown on the certificate can be customized to show the complete date, or just the month and year, or just year.  This is in Module settings.

Up to 4 additional lines of information can be put on the certificate such as Employee ID #, License #, etc. This is controlled in REGISTRAR / Settings, near the bottom under “User Profile Admin”.

A small 'Custom Logo' (100 x 150 pixels) can be added (ie: 'Tops In Safety') to the lower left portion of the certificate.  This is done by either Training Developer or Registrar in the Module Settings.

The ‘Module Time' (whether a set time or actual student activity time) can be displayed on the Certificate. This is controlled in the Module Settings page either in Training Developer or Registrar.

The ‘Module Mark' can be shown on the Certificate. This is controlled in the ‘Module Settings' page either in Training Developer or Registrar roles.  The Module Mark shown will be whatever the mark is on the Exam inside that Module. If there is more than one Exam in the module, the Module Mark is the Average of the marks of the Exams in the module.

The Registrar has a copy of all Module Certificates generated under RECORDS tab in the ‘Module Certificates' report.

You can reconcile Module certificates against module completions using the ‘Submitted Modules’ report in Records tab.


This is generated when a person has completed ALL modules in a 'Curriculum'. A Curriculum is simply a group of modules.  

Curriculum Certificate is controlled in REGISTRAR / Content tab / Curriculum.

The features and functions of the Curriculum Certificate are the same as Module Certificate EXCEPT for the following features, which can be set on the 'Edit Curriculum' page

The extended 'Curriculum Title' can be added to the Certificate. This is on the 'Edit Curriculum' page.

The Curriculum Mark can be shown on the certificate (Average of all the Module Marks in that Curriculum) and a brief message shown beside that mark.  Also in the Edit Curriculum page.

The Total Time for the Curriculum can be shown on the Certificate. It is the total time of all the Modules in the Curriculum - either a set time or actual student activity time.

Curriculum Certificates are, by default, sent to Student only. The Curriculum Certificate Destinations can be changed by clicking the ‘Email Destinations' link.

The Registrar has a copy of all Curriculum Certificates generated under RECORDS in the 'Curriculum Certificates' report.


The system can be set to create and and email a Certificate when a person passes an Exam (attains the set 'Minimum Pass Mark'). This Certificate says "Online Training Exam Pass Confirmation.  <Student Name> has successfully passed <Exam title> on <date, etc.>”.  The Exam Certificate is rarely used.

If you have a Minimum Pass Mark set for an exam within a module, and you have BOTH the Exam and Module certificates turned ON, then the system will generate an Exam certificate once the Student has passed it, and shortly after will ALSO generate a module certificate when they reach the end of the module. This is usually redundant and confusing, which is why modules are usually set up with Exam Certificate turned OFF and the module certificate turned ON.

Exams Are 'Pages': An Exam is a type of 'Content Page' in a module.  Since it is Content within a module, it is created and edited by the 'Training Developer' role.  You can have as many Exams as you like in a module, or a module can contain nothing but an Exam, or no Exam at all.  Completing an Exam has nothing to do with completing a module since it is just a page of Content within the module. The typical structure is to have a module containing a bunch of Module Content pages which are followed by an Exam about what was in the module.

Exam Title On Certificate: You Need to Create It: Module and Curriculum certificates automatically include the name of the Module or Curriculum. However, since an Exam is technically a ‘page’ within a module, it has its own title. By default, that page is called ‘Exam’. The Training Developer should change the page title to include the topic the exam is on (usually the Module name), so that ‘Exam’ becomes ‘Exam: Servicing Basics’.  

Exam Certificate Settings: The Exam Certificate is set to 'off' by default, and in fact is rarely turned on because, almost always, the Training Developer sets a 'Minimum Pass Mark' for the Exam.  The Student can not get past an Exam page until they have achieved that Minimum Pass Mark. So, if the Exam has a Minimum Pass Mark set, then the common thing to do is to turn OFF the 'Exam Certificate' and turn ON the ‘Module Certificate'.  When a Module Certificate is generated, you KNOW the Student achieved at least the Minimum Pass Mark on the Exam, or that Module Certificate would never get generated.  The vast majority of clients set Exams with a Minimum Pass Mark of 100%, so that the Student must learn ALL the content in a module - and this is what we generally recommend.

If there are 4 Exams in a module, each with Exam Certificate turned on, you will get 4 Exam Certificates issued from that modules.  

Exam Certificate settings are controlled by the Training Developer role in the Exam Settings in Edit mode.  The options for the Exam Certificate are pretty much the same as for Module Certificate EXCEPT the Exam Mark is always shown on the certificate, there is no option for showing an 'Exam Time', and there is no archive of Exam Certificates in the Registrar's Records (since the actual exam itself is archived in 'Mark Details' report).


1. (Most Common) Sometimes a Student’s module shows 100% complete, but no module certificate was sent. This is usually because they got the last page of a module and just exited/closed it without submitting the module.  Tell them to log back in, click to end of module, and click the Submit Module button. We highly recommend you (Training Developer) put a Regular Content page at the end of every module telling them to do this.

2. The setting to send Certificate is not turned on.

3. There may not be any Email Destinations set for the Certificate.


A NEW FEATURE is the ability to create your own custom Wallet Cards attachment to the Module Certificate.  This is in Registrar / Content / Certificates.


You should PRINT every Certificate generated in the system and place them in the Student's training file.  

If there is an Exam with a Minimum Pass Mark set, you should print a Master Copy of the Exam and keep it on file, so you can show the exact exam those Certificates are for. This is done by Training Developer / Edit Module / Go to Exam page / Click Preview Page, and print that.

If a Minimum Pass Mark is NOT set for an Exam, you should print EVERY exam completed by Students.  To do this, in Registrar, go to RECORDS and Mark Details.

The Training Developer should also always go into Preview mode and PRINT EVERY PAGE of a module when they Publish it, and keep that on record.

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