Complete an Action Item


After submission, reports are viewed by your company Safety Manager(s). From time to time it will be necessary to assign Action Items to Students. These are tasks determined by the Safety Manager(s) which will assist in Closing Out a Safety Report. If you are assigned an Action Item, you will be notified via email. Once you've completed your Action Items, the Safety Manager will be advised and can Close Out the report or ask for further details.  

To Complete an Assigned Action Item:

After receiving notification of an assigned action item, you'll log in to your Student home page. On the left of the page, click Safety Reports. This will bring you to the Safety Reports home page. Select My action items.

Here we can see any action items assigned to the Student. In this example, there is one incomplete, and one complete. Clicking the eye (1) will open the item assigned to the Student.  This will also bring the user to the "Assigned to me" (2) section and open the item. 

Note: The Student can skip the My action items step, and click directly on "Assigned to me" (2) however they will need to then select the report to open it, then select ACTION ITEMS to view.

Now the Action Item is open - next click ADD NOTE to add to the Action Item. 

Now the Student can add a note and / or attach a file indicated what has been done. (In the example below you can see the Student has added a brief note (1) and uploaded a file (2). Next, SAVE NOTE (3).

The system will then notify the Safety Manager(s) who will view the Action Item to determine if it is suitable for the report. If so, they can mark the Action Item as Complete. If not, they can submit a Note to the Student with feedback on the item.

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