Manage Safety Reports


When reports are submitted, they can then be viewed by Safety Manager(s), tasks assigned and tracked, reports finalized and closed out. Reports data can be exported to spreadsheets or analytics tools, but there currently is no analytics in this system.


  • When an employee has an incident to report, they sign into their Student Desk, click Safety Reports tab, and select the appropriate Safety Report form.
  • Employee fills out form and can attach documents like photos, police reports, etc. Then they submit it. That Student user will be able to view the report when they log in.
  • When the form is submitted, it gets sequentially numbered.
  • The person(s) with Safety Manager role receive email notification a report has been submitted.
  • The Safety manager can log in and view report.
  • Safety Manager can assign tasks to anyone in your system with a Student account. They are notified by email. They can then view the report and communicate within it, including adding attachments. 
  • When the Safety Manager has marked all tasks as complete, they can then fill-in the closing remarks and add any further attachments.
  • When the report is closed out, it goes into the company reports library where anyone in your company with a Student account can view it in the Safety Reports area.
  • There are currently no analytics, however each closed out report can be exported as .csv and put into spreadsheets or exported to an analytics tool.

Active Reports: 

After a student submits their report, the Safety Manager(s) is notified via email, and the report becomes Active. After logging in, from the Safety Reports home page (1) , you will see any active Safety Reports (2).

Click on any active report to view (1), add action items (2) or add notes (3).

If no further action is required after reviewing the report, you can export as PDF (1), PRINT (2), or CLOSE OUT (3). 

Action Items: 

After reviewing the report, you may require action items be completed prior to closing the report. To assign ACTION ITEMS, select that option (1)  at the top of the report. This will bring you to the Create a new action item page. There is no limit to the number of action items you can create for any report.

First, you will select a user to Assign the action to (2). Any active Student user is available for selection. Then you can choose to Allow assigned user to view report. (3) In most cases this would be selected ON, however if the report contains sensitive information, you can leave this option OFF. Next, add a Due date for the action item (4). 

Next, describe the Action Item (5). You can also upload files to the action item by dragging the file or clicking to choose (6). 

When you are ready, you can now Save and CREATE ACTION ITEM (7). This will send an email notification to the Student you are assigning the action to. You can also CANCEL at any time to go back. 

Manage Action Items: 

When a student has completed an action item, the Safety Manager(s) will have the ability to review and mark the item as complete. If the Safety Manager is not satisfied with the completion of the action item, they can close the item or send a note to the student advising what is required to complete the item.

Enable Notes:

Enabling notes will allow both the Safety Manager(s) and the submitter of the report to add notes. To enable notes, select NOTES (1) and then ENABLE NOTES (2). Once again you have the ability to CLOSE OUT the report (3). 

Add/View a Note: 

If Notes are enabled, after clicking on NOTES, you will be greeted with the following page. Here you can enter a New note (1) and save and ADD NOTE (2) to the report. If notes have been enabled / entered, they will also appear on this page.

Close Out a Report:

When the Safety Manager(s) is satisfied with the report, and completion of all assigned action items, they can Close Out the report. 

Note: The report can not be closed if there are action items outstanding. Please ensure all action items are closed before proceeding. 

When you Close Out a report, you will see a pop-up with a number of options.

1 - Corrective actions/summary - Enter notes regarding corrective actions or a summary of the report. 

2 - Delete notes when report is closed - Removes notes from public view of the report when the report is closed.

3- Redact report when it is closed - Select this option to have report fields denoted as redacted cleared when the report is viewed publicly.

4- Redact submitter info when report is closed - Removes submitter info from display in the report library.

5 - Notify selected student group of completed report - You can select a group of students to notify that the report is now closed.

6 - Save & CLOSE OUT - Closes the report and sends it to the report library.

7 - CANCEL - Go back to the previous page.

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