Complete a Safety Report


This enables you to complete / fill in and submit reports. Reports can then be viewed by your company Safety Manager(s), tasks assigned and tracked, reports finalized and closed out. 

Each report is sequentially numbered for integrity in audits. Closed reports go into a company wide reports library.  


  • When an employee has an incident to report, they sign into their online training system, click Safety Reports tab, and select the appropriate Safety Report form to fill out.
  • Employee fills out the appropriate form and can attach documents like photos, police reports, etc. Then they submit it. That Student user will be able to view the report when they log in.
  • When the form is submitted, it gets sequentially numbered and sent to the Safety Manager.
  • The person(s) with Safety Manager role receive email notification a report has been submitted.
  • The Safety manager can log in and view the report.
  • Safety Manager can assign tasks to anyone in your system with a Student account. They are notified by email. They can then view the report and communicate within it, including adding attachments. 
  • When the Safety Manager has marked all tasks as complete, they can then fill-in the closing remarks and add any further attachments.
  • When the report is closed out, it goes into the company reports library where anyone in your company with a Student account can view it in the Safety Reports area

Safety Reports Home Page:

From your student page, click on Safety Reports on the left side of the page. This will take you to the Safety Reports home page. Here you will have the option to view " My reports" (1) (opens as default) items "Assigned to me" (2) "My action items" (3) the company "Reports library" (4) or create a new report "+ New report" (5) 

Create a New Report: 

From the Safety Reports home page, select " +New report". This will take you to the New Reports page. Here you will need to " Choose the report type" and then " START REPORT"
You will then need to complete the report. All fields that are marked red are mandatory fields. Please proceed through the report, filling in all details as necessary. 
Some reports may allow you to add attachments (1). You can either Drag a file or click to browse and upload.
When complete you can " SAVE" (3) or " SUBMIT" (4). At any point throughout the process, you can also " CANCEL" (2) 

Form Errors: 

If you've missed any mandatory fields in the report, these will show as Form Errors (*) in red at the bottom of the report. You must ensure these fields are completed or the system will not permit you to SAVE or SUBMIT the report. 

Submit a Report Anonymously: 

If your company has allowed for reports to be submitted anonymously, after clicking " SUBMIT" you will see a window pop-up that looks similar to the image below. If you wish to submit your report anonymously, ensure the toggle is selected ON. Then click "SUBMIT". 

Emergency Bypass:

In certain circumstances, when a student logs in to their training home page with the intent to submit a Safety Report, they may have a Memo awaiting review. If the Safety Report is time sensitive in nature, the student can click the " PROCEED & READ MEMO(S) LATER" (1) button at the bottom of the memo to then be directed right to the Safety Reports home page.  

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