Manager Role & Student Groups


The Manager Role (“MGR") provides a basic overview of the training status of Students and can be set up to view info of specific groups of Students (Student Groups).  

For example:  The Manager of a company's Maintenance Department can sign in to his MGR role and see the training records for all those Students who work in the Maintenance Department, but nobody else.  However, you can assign multiple Student Groups to a Manager.

The Manager role can be assigned in combination with any other role, however since the all the functionality in MGR is basically just some of the functions of REGISTRAR role, having both a Registrar and Manager role is unnecessary duplication.

There is an option to also allow the MGR to assign modules and curriculum.


When you assign someone a MGR role, they are able to access the training records for ALL students in your system until you assign that Manager to specific Student Group(s), then that Manager will only be able to access the Students who are within the same Student Group(s).  Student Groups are usually matched to job type or location (i.e.: Drivers, Administration, Customer Service; Main Warehouse, Downtown, Calgary).

1. Put Students into Student Group(s):

        a. In REGISTRAR/People tab/Students, click STUDENT GROUPS button and set up your Student Group names.

        b. Then in REGISTRAR/People tab/Students, find a Student and click on STUDENT GROUPS link beside their name.

2. Assign Student Group(s) to a MGR: in REGISTRAR click STAFF icon, find that MGR and from their Action menu select "Assign Student Groups".  

3. If you want Student's Manager to receive their module or Curriculum Certificate, go to the Certificate Email Destinations (modules: REG/MODULES/module Action Menu.  Curriculum: REG/MODULES/MANAGE CURRICULUM/Edit Curriculum) and check the 'Manager' box. Don't forget to click Save button.

If you want Manager to receive copies of Due Date notifications, select "cc Manager" in the Due Date item setup.


The REGISTRAR can enable Manager role to assign training to Students.  When this is enabled, all Managers will be able to assign modules or curriculum.  To do this, Manager clicks STUDENTS icon, then select "Assign Modules" or "Assign Curriculum" from the student's Actions menu.  If Student Groups are set up, Manager can assign modules to entire Student Group: under STUDENTS icon, click 'Student Groups' link, then use the Actions menu for that Student group.  Only Student Groups that are assigned to that Manager will show up.

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