Making Revisions to a Published Module


'Module Revisioning' allows a Training Developer to make changes to a module in 'PUBLISHED' mode, even if it is use by Students. This should only be used when an important error in the content needs to be corrected - NOT for 'updating' the training information (for updates, you should do a 'Save-As' and make a new version of the module). There are essentially no limitations to the changes that can be made to a published module with the introduction of module versioning and all changes can be properly tracked and documented, with a record of which 'version' of a page each student saw.
Important Note: Once a revision has been made to a published module, you CAN NOT re-edit, re-publish or revert back to that version of the module. For information purposes, you can view the content of the different revisions made to a module.

Getting started

Working with Published modules is almost exactly like working with Draft modules. You make the changes you want to the module, then you 'publish' On the Module Listing Page, modules that have “unpublished changes” will be highlighted in blue and also have an information icon in their bar on the far right to denote they have changes that have not been published. There is a tool-tip when you hover over this icon, in case you forget what it represents.

Let’s start by working with a published module that has no changes. 

If we click on the edit button on the module, which has not been edited, we will notice a new confirmation window pops up. 

This new confirmation modal asks you to confirm that you want to edit the published module. After you click to confirm you want to edit the published module it will start preparing the module for editing in a published state. It shouldn’t take more than a few seconds for it to finish and put you into the module editor.

Note that when editing a published module, a new blue header bar appears at the top and reminds you that you are editing a published module and to publish your changes once you're done.

Editing a published module

At this point you can edit your module as you see fit, there are no restrictions to what you can modify. The only caveat is that you cannot add, remove or change an already placed survey in the module.

You are free to move pages around, add new content, exams, review questions, and/or change existing content and exams.

Important Note: The important idea to keep in the back of your mind is how your changes are going to impact students that are currently in the module. Changing, adding and removing content, exams, etc. will affect a student's progress and training when those changes are published. This will be discussed in a little more depth in the next section below, titled “How published changes may affect students”

While working through your new module changes, you may be prompted to enter change notes, which will be displayed to students when you have published those changes and the student enters their training. 

These notes are important as they communicate how and why content may have changed. Please make the notes clear and simple to understand.

The notes are only seen by Training Developer or Registrar unless "Hide from students" is turned on. 

Please note: The auto generated change notes will be visible for all students, this cannot be turned off.

After you’ve modified a page, the page will show up as highlighted in blue. This denotes that you’ve made changes to this page so that you can keep track of which pages you’ve edited since this module was published last, or since the last version. 

Note: You do not need to make all of your changes at once. What this means is that the module will stay published without the new changes applied until you publish your changes. There is no time limit, you can make a edits, exit the module and come back any time.

Publishing your changes

When you are satisfied with the edits you’ve made, you are ready to publish your changes! You can publish your changes by clicking on the “Publish Changes” button in the blue header bar at the top of your page.

Click the "Discard Changes" button to cancel all changes. This will keep the module as is-is without the changes made by you or anyone else.

After you click on the “Publish Changes” button, a “Publish New Version” window will pop up. 

In this window it will list how many students may be affected by the changes you made. It will also list the students that are affected and how their progress in the module will change. 

If you are ready to publish, toggle the “Confirm Publish” checkbox and click on the “Publish” button. This will immediately publish the changes to that module for all students. This may affect different students’ progress in their modules differently for each student depending on their situation.

Module Revisions

Once published, the module or the changes will no longer be indicated by blue highlighting, it will be treated as a regular, published module.

In the module list page, you will find the revisions icon. By clicking on it, you will be presented with a list of revisions made to that module. By default, there will always be one revision listed, that is the current module content.

The revisions are labeled by version number and the date it's been published.

Please note, only published revisions are listed. Any current, unpublished changes will not be part of the revision list. 

By clicking on a revision item, you will be take to that version of the module. This is for information purposes only, to see the content of that revision. You are not able to edit, re-publish or revert to that revision.

Revision Records: 

How published changes may affect students

After you publish your changes in a published module, it will create a new revision of that module and update all students in that module with the new version.

Important Note: Publishing a new version of a module will not affect students that have fully completed the module (Submitted). These students will have finished the module with whatever version of the module they finished at. If your published changes are critical for the student, you will need to re-assign that module to them in order for them to re-train with the new version of that module.

Every change made in a published module may affect the students progress in a module when those changes are published.
The general rule of thumb is that the closer to the start of the module the change is made, the more it will affect a student’s progress and the number of students affected.
Example of a message a student will receive when entering training that has been revised:
Here are some additional rules:
  • If a new page (Exam, review question, content, etc) is added, a student’s progress will be placed back to the position of that page
  • If an exam is edited, any students that have started or completed the exam (except those finished the module) will have to retake the exam
  • If a page is deleted, a students progress may change slightly but they will not lose progress
  • If a folder is added or deleted, it will not affect a students progress
  • If a content page is edited, a student’s progress will not be affected
  • If a page is moved, and the student has not seen that page, depending on how close to the start of the module the page was moved to, it may set them back to the position of that page

Example Scenarios: First Aid Module

Let’s pretend we are editing a First Aid module, and that First Aid module has 100 pages and 10 chapters. For the sake of simplicity, each chapter consists of 10 pages each, giving us a total of the 100 pages in the module.

We also have 100 students that are currently taking that module. Again, for the sake of simplicity, we will say that:

  • 10% of students are complete (100% complete)
  • 25% have made it 75% of the way through (75% complete)
  • 30% have made it 50% of the way through (50% complete)
  • 25% have made it 25% of the way through (25% complete)
  • 10% have not started (0% complete)

Example 1: Small change, huge effect

In this first example, let’s say that we forgot to add a review question at the end of chapter 1. This review question is important as it ties together the whole chapter and contains a question and correct answer that are paramount to the next chapter.

So, we go in and add a review question as page 11, right at the end of chapter 1. Since this is all we needed to do, we publish our changes. The publish new version window pops up and warns us that this change may affect 80 of our students!

That’s 80% of the students taking the module. The reason is because we added a new page near the start of the module (page 11 out of 101). Since the student must visit every page in a module, they need to be set back to that new review question page in order to view it.

This will place 80% of the students back to page 11, which is the new review question we added, effectively setting all of their progress back to 11%. This may be an inconvenience for some, as they will need to attempt the review question, and then navigate back through all the pages they’ve already seen.

Example 2: Large change, small effect

Now, starting from scratch, let’s pretend that we actually needed to add a whole chapter as it became immediately mandatory through regulations.

This chapter relies on the information from chapters 1-8. So we add this after chapter 8, or page 80. We add in 9 new pages and a review question, bringing our page total to 110. Then we publish the changes.

The publish changes window tells us that this is going to affect 0 students. Huh?

Well, 90% of the students haven’t even reached page 81 yet (Where our new chapter begins). The other 10% are already complete, so they are off the hook as well. Since this new addition does not introduce new content near the start, none of the students have made it past where they would have seen it and are therefore not affected!

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