Advanced Image Editing


Every content editor in the system where you can insert an image is equipped with an advanced image editor. With the editor, you can:

  • Load image to canvas
  • Undo/Redo (With shortcut)
  • Crop, Flip, Rotation, Resize
  • Free drawing
  • Line drawing
  • Shape, Icon, Text
  • Mask Filter, Image Filter

How to access the editor:

Once the image is inserted into the content, click the image to select it. You will notice, on the bottom of the image, there is an image menu.

Click the far right icon. This should bring up the advanced image editor.

Once in the editor, on the right side, you will notice all the editing tools available.

Cropping an image:

Use the crop tool from the left to select the are you like to crop then click Apply.

Flip and Rotate:

Click on the flip icon to flip the image. You can flip the image Vertically (Flip Y) or horizontally (Flip X). Or use the reset button to go back to the original.

To rotate, click the rotate button from the left menu. Here, you have options to rotate incrementally by 30 degrees or use the slider to rotate based on range.

Drawing on an image:

You can draw on an image by selecting the pencil icon. You can now draw freehand to indicate or highlight elements on the image. Free option lets you draw any shape while straight will draw straight lines. 

You can also select the color of your lines as well as line thickness (using the range slider).


Shapes are easy to create. Click on the shape icon, there you will have the option between a rectangle, circle and a triangle. 

Fill will give you the full object color while stroke will outline it. Use the stroke range slider to manage the thickness of the outline.

You can also rotate the objects by clicking and holding the top object node.


Use icons to create objects such as arrows, stars, etc. This is a great tool to create clean direction, focus or highlight points on you image.

Just like shapes, you can rotate and size the objects by pulling or rotating the nodes.

You can also import a custom icon (from your computer) by clicking Custom Icon.

Adding text:

 Click the "T" icon on the left to start adding text. To add text to the image, double-click any ware on the, then double-click on the text and start writing.

Notice the available options: Bold, Italic, Underline. Alignment tools, color as well as text size. You cannot change the font of the text. 

Just like shapes, you can rotate and size the objects by pulling or rotating the nodes.


Image masking is using masks or selective adjustments to isolate where an adjustment is taking place.

Mask will create a new image based on the new imported image. This can be used to alter existing image by adding another on top of it.

To use it, simply click on Load mask image and find an image on your device. Once imported, you can drag to position and scale your making image. Click Apply when done.


Use the filter option to manipulate or enhance the image. You can adjust brightness, sharpness, tints and colors among others.

Reset and start over:

If you don't want to apply all your changes you've made to the image, you can use the reset button. If you want to undo previous stem, you can use the undo button.

These are located top, left corner of the editor.

Important: make sure you save your work once done. The save button is prominently located on the top right of the editor.

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