Creating and Managing Memos

User Roles for Memos

The COMMUNICATIONS role is where you create, edit, send, and track memos.  Memos are sent to the STUDENT role only.  STUDENT role users can view and confirm memos, and can view past memos that are in the company memos library. This is in their "Memos" tab on left.

Memo Process Overview

1. Create and set up the new memo with a title, priority, notification options, etc.

2. Edit the content of the memo using the simple online editor. Memo can be however big you like and contain images, video, or PDF documents. You can also attach one or more documents to the memo.

3. Address the memo to individuals or Student Group(s) (departments, job positions, locations, company-wide, etc.).

4. Send memo. At this point the memo is placed in the recipient’s online training desk and they are sent an email notifying them they have been sent a memo and that they must sign in to their online training desk to read it. It includes a hyperlink to the sign in page.

5. Recipient logs in to their online training and the memo is right there. They can not close the memo or get into their online training system until they have gone to the bottom of the memo and clicked the confirmation button. When they click that button, the memo goes out of their face, into their “My Memos” library where they can refer to it later, and puts them on their Student ‘Home’ page in the online training system (unless there are more memos waiting for them).

5.a. If you use the system’s ‘Safety Reports’ feature, you can turn on “Emergency Bypass” which enables the student to bypass reading and confirming a memo and let them into the Safety Reports section to fill in and submit a Safety Report.

6. The ‘Communications’ role user who sent the memo has access to a report which shows which memo(s) were sent to who on which date, what date it was read and if the recipient has confirmed the memo or not.



1. If you have not already done so, please plan out and set up all your Student Groups so you can send memos to multiple people in different departments, job categories/positions, locations, etc. Tip: We recommend also having one Student Group called something like “Everyone”, “Company Wide”, or “All Staff” and put everyone in it.

2. Make sure all intended memo recipients are set up as STUDENTS in your system. Memos are sent ONLY to STUDENT role users. You must have a Student role assigned to read a memo. Even if a person does not take courses in the system but just has some kind of STAFF role, you will need to assign them Student role as well for them to get memos.  When a person with a STAFF role receives a memo, they have to switch to their STUDENT role to view it. 

3. If the text of your memo is going to be more than a couple sentences long, we recommend writing it out in a word processor or similar first, then copy and paste it into the online memo content editor.

Managing Memos:

When you enter the Communications role, you see a list of all memos that have been sent, unsent, and archived.

Icon Indicates a sent memo.
That means that the memo has been created and sent out to students. 

Icon Indicates an unsent memo.
That means that the memo has been created but not sent to students. 

Icon Indicates an archived memo.

Viewing Memos

Click on the title of a memo to open a 'preview' showing its stats, status, and some details:
To edit or send an unsent memo, click the “ Edit/Send Memo” button.
View Details” shows details such as recipients and memo options. 
Archive” puts the memo into its archived state. If the memo is already archived, you will be see the “ Un-Archive” button instead.
Create New Revision” will create a new memo based on the one you are now viewing; this will copy all the content and settings into a new memo that you can edit and send. It is like a "Save-As" function.

In addition to the memo preview, you have access to the action buttons, located on the far right of the memo. There, you can also Preview and Edit the memo.

IMPORTANT: You can only edit a memo that has NOT been sent 

Clicking “more” will reveal buttons to “Create Revision”, and "Archive".

Searching and Filtering Memos

On the top of the memos list, you will find three ways to search and filter for memos.

  1. Advanced Filter: Clicking the filter icon will reveal options on how to filter the list.
  2. Search: Type your search term.  Possible matches will be displayed in real-time.

    Click on the item on from the list to be directed to the edit part of that particular memo.

    You can also press [Enter] on your keyboard to filter the list based on the keyword you have entered.

    To clear the list, click the "X" next to the search field.

  3. Simple Filter: Click "All", "Sent", "Unsent" or "Archived" links located on the right to filter the list to those conditions.


Click " Create Memo" link in the top-right.

The 'Create Memo' window is made up of three steps: Create, Content, Recipients.

'Create' Step: Set up the basic memo information.

Mouse-over a field, then on the right you see the description of its purpose.

You can access the preview by clicking on the " Preview" button on the top right. This will give you a preview of how the final memo will look.

The " Memo Settings" button enables you to change settings and options for THIS memo. The default settings are what are commonly used.

In ' Memo Settings', you can change: visibility(public/private), Header Address, Confirmation Message, Email Notification, Action Required, Decline Option, Minimum Display Time, logo.

Once you have made changes to the settings, scroll to the bottom and click " Update" button.

Please note: you can access the "Preview" and the "Settings" in both the create and content steps. 

Adding categories and Priorities:

You can add, remove and rename your priorities and categories as you're creating your memo.

Click the edit icon next to the field, this should open a window where
you can manage a list of items.

Once you've done your changes, make sure to click " Save". The new item should now be available in your list of categories or priorities.

When you're finished with this step, click " Next: Content"

Content Step: In this step you will update the contents of the memo.

  1. Main body of the memo. This is the message you're trying to convey to the recipients.

    This filed allows for images, links and different styles to make your memo stand out more. Use the toolbar to create your styles including color, fonts, tables... etc.
  2.  Attachments can be any file you would like the recipient to access. This can be a PDF, image, Word doc, etc.

    You can attach multiple files to the memos by dragging your file from your computer to the " Add Attachment" area or by clicking on the filed and searching for the file on your computer.
  3. Verification Questions. This will test the readers knowledge of the memo before preceding.
    You can add up to 3 verification questions.

    These questions will appear for your recipient, they will not be able to confirm the memo until all the questions are answered correctly. 

When you are finished with this section, click " Next: Recipients"

'Recipients' Step: Select student(s) you want to send this memo to.

There are  two options for selecting students:

  1. Individual student: In the left column, select one student at a time.
    You can also select all students by clicking the "select all" icon in the first column of the list.
  2. Select Group(s) of students: In the right column, select students that are grouped by a category.
    Click on the box (1) to select all students in this group. Click on the arrow (2) on the left to see students in that group (you can also select individual students from that group here).  

Each list can be filtered by using the search field on top of the list. This will filter down the list to the keywords in the search field.

You will notice when you select groups of students, these will automatically be selected in the opposite column and vice versa as these match in both sections.

On the top of the list, you can see a count indicator for how many students are selected. To clear all selected students, click the " Clear Selected" button.

Once you have selected your students, the " Send Now" button (with selected student count) will be available to you on the bottom. By clicking the button, you will send the memos to the students right away.

Alternatively, if you're not ready to sent the memo at this point, click " Save for Later" button, this will save your progress and redirect you back to memo management page. Your unsent memo will be visible on the list or you can filter down by clicking "unsent" on the top tight-side of the list. 

Resend Memos

Resend memos can be accessed by clicking on the " Re-send Memos" navigation link located on the top right corner.

Here, you can resend memos to students that have not already received the particular memo before. This section consists of 2 steps: Select memos and select students.

Please note: you are only able to select memos that have already been sent. Unsent memos are not available.

For selecting memos, you have 2 columns: Send ALL Memos in Category and Specific Memos(s) To Send

Selecting items on the left, will select a group of memos based on their category. You can see how many memos are in that category by the number indicated in the count column. 

Selecting memos on the right column will only select individual memos. 

You will notice when you select groups or individual memos, these will automatically be selected in the opposite column and vice versa as these match in both sections.

Once you have selected your memos(s), you can click on the " Send Memos" button on the bottom of the page. The button will also tell you how many memos you are sending.

Please note: the "send Memos" button is disabled if no memos are selected.

Next, you can now select the students you would like to resend the memos.

For this step, refer to  Recipients Step under Creating a new memo in this document for instructions how to select students.

Once you selected your students, the " Send Memos To Recipients" button will be available on the bottom of the page. This button will indicate how many recipients will get the memos.   

When you click the button, a window will appear with the progress and once it's successfully processed, you will be redirected to the memos management page.

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