User Accounts: Suspending, Archiving, Deleting


Registrar role, People tab, Students

For seasonal workers, contractors, temporary layoffs, etc. If you have a Student user who will not be using the system for a while, you can ‘Suspend’ their user account. This does the following:

The user can not sign in to the system. When they try to, they get a notice their account is suspended and to contact the Registrar for assistance.

They will be excluded from being sent memos or assigned Safety Report tasks.

In several of the records, there is option to filter out these suspended users.

They will continue to receive emails about expiry dates for online training, off-line training, and personal documents.

In the background, their account is kept active with all records, etc. When they return to work, it takes the Registrar or Manager about 15 seconds to un-suspend them and their account returns to exactly how it was when they last logged in. You can even assign them new training, add off-line training events, etc. while they are suspended to bring them up to date and ready for when they return to work.

IMPORTANT: If you are currently ‘Archiving’ your Student users for seasonal or other temporary leave from the company, please start using the Suspend User feature instead.

To suspend any STAFF level (all roles except Student) user, just withdraw their Staff level roles. If they also have a Student role, see above to suspend that too.


WARNING: Deleting is RARELY done - usually only in the case of creating a user account by accident or an employee leaving the company before doing any training.

When you Delete any user account, it completely removes them from the system AND DELETES ALL THEIR RECORDS of training, actions, notifications, etc. It is as if they never existed in the system. DO NOT DELETE a user if you think you might ever need any record of their training, actions in the system, or anything else. There is a triple confirmation process with time delays in deleting a user. 


This removes the user’s role(s). They can no longer use the system and all functions such as notifications end. However, all the records related to their account are kept in the system and stored as archived. Most of these records you can retrieve, usually by selecting the ‘archived’ option. If you re-enroll that user (Enroll new user ‘from archived’), then their account should be as it was when they were last in the system, complete with all their past records.

Archive STAFF level users (all roles except Student): In Registrar / People tab / Staff, withdraw all their Staff level roles. If they also have a Student role, you then have to go into People / Students to archive or delete their Student level account.

Archive STUDENT level users (with NO staff roles): In Registrar / People tab / Students, go to their Actions menu and select Archive Student. They will lose their account but we will store their records in the system for you indefinitely.

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