Registrar Role Help

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Enrolling users

Learn how to enroll new students using a registrar role.

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Bulk Student Enrollment

To enroll large numbers of NEW Student users into your system in one simple process, you can import a data file of the users. The system will even assign the new Students to their Student Group(s) in this process.

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Quicker - Easier Ways To Assign Training

Assign directly from module(s) or from Students list Improved ‘Assign To Multiple Students’ Flow.

Certificates for Modules, Exams & Curriculums

Learn more about different types of certificates.

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A 'Competency' is a group of completed training courses (both on-line and off-line) and/or curriculums and documents which are required for a person to be able to do a certain task or hold a certain job position.

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Roles & Tokens

The system has different levels of access you can easily assign to different people.  We have grouped access to various features and functions to match the common positions within a workplace.

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User accounts: Suspending, archiving, deleting

For seasonal workers, contractors, layoffs, etc. If you have a Student user who will not be using the system for a while, you can ‘Suspend’ their user account.

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Recurrent / Repeat Training Assignment

To Re-Assign a module so a student completes it for a second or more time, and keep the previous record of doing that module, use the RE-ASSIGN button.

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Off-Line Training Events

This feature enables you to keep track of training which is not done via this system.

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Manager Role & Student Groups

The Manager Role (“MGR") provides a basic overview of the training status of Students and can be set up to view info of specific groups of Students (Student Groups).  

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