Exclude Exam Time

Exclude Exam Time

This basically ‘stops the clock’ while Student is in an Exam in the module. It excludes the Exam time from the total ‘Module Time’ (time the student spent in the module) in reports, AND it excludes the Exam time being counted toward ‘Minimum Module Time’ and ‘Maximum Module Time’ when those settings are turned ON.

The entire time in the exam including reviewing scored answers, re-taking failed exam, etc. is included in the time that is excluded. So it basically excludes time spent on anything other than Content pages, Review Questions, and Surveys.

Note that it applies to ALL Exams within a module.

Examples With This Feature Turned ON:

  1. Module has 40 pages plus a 20 question exam. Student spends 18 minutes on the content pages, review questions, and survey. Student takes 8 minutes to do the exams, fails, then spends 4 minutes re-taking the exam and passes that, then continues to the Survey where he spends 2 minutes doing that.  The Total Module Time would be shown as 20 minutes (18 + 2 minutes).
  2. Module has “Minimum Module Time” setting of 30 minutes. Student spends 10 minutes going through content and review questions, then does the exam in 10 minutes.  They will still have 20 minutes remaining time to spend in the module.
  3. Module has a “Maximum Module Time” setting of 30 minutes.  He spends 25 minutes in the content and review questions then starts the exam. He then spends 20 minutes doing the exam. When done exam, he will still have 5 minutes left to complete the module before it closes.
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