Printing A Module

You can make a PDF or paper print of the entire module, which can be used for records keeping, auditing, quality control, or even to send to students who may not have computer/internet access to use as a paper-based course. The entire module will be output including any exam(s) and survey(s) in their un-answered form. Not that, of course, things such as videos, sounds, animations etc. can't go into a PDF and simply will not show up or show as a broken link.
Go to your Modules page and click on the 'Tool Drawer Handle' for that module to open that up and you will see the buttons for the module actions. There are two things you can do:
A) Click the 'Export PDF' and it will do its best to open that module as a PDF in your web browser which you can save as PDF by selecting Print page and downloading that to your computer. You can then print that out. Note that when doing this process the formatting such as page breaks and headings may not come out in a way you like, but it's good enough for reviewing the content. If you want it to look good too, then….
B) Click the 'Export HTML' button and it will download HTML file to your computer. Now, launch MS Word, and in Word pull down the File menu and select 'Open', then browse to that HTML file. Open that in Word and you will then be able to easily modify the formatting and page breaks to make a really nice looking document.
A common thing to do when using this send people paper-based training is to separate the Exam part out so the student can go through the coursework and then write the exam and submit it to whoever for marking, yet they can keep the course material for reference.
If you do have people complete training this way, you can enter it in the system records in the 'Off-Line Training' so it will track expiry dates and included it in their Training History reports.
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