Roles & Tokens


Workplace Edition

(Trainer's Edition Below)

The system has different levels of access you can easily assign to different people.  We have grouped access to various features and functions to match the common positions within a workplace.  These groupings of access to features to match a person's job function are called "Roles".

Each "Role" requires one "Token" to assign to one person. You can assign multiple roles to a person (ie: the General Mgr. could have a Student, Coach, Manager, Communications roles).  We provide an inventory of Tokens to the REGISTRAR role, who can then assign and withdraw Roles to users in their system, and manage their inventory of Tokens.

The ROLES, and their corresponding TOKENS are:









The STUDENT token is the only one you pay for. All the rest are called "STAFF" roles, and you do NOT pay for any of them.


NOTE: To keep this simple, not all the features and functions of the system are included here.


User will sign in to their "Student Desk".  This system is primarily used for training employees, so each employee gets a Student role (which uses a Student token).  They then can sign in to their online "Student Desk" to take modules and exams (in “modules”), and use the tools such as Reference Library, Glossary, Documents Tracker, etc.  

A user must sign in to their "Student Desk" to:

Receive and/or read Memos.

Fill in and submit an Incident/Safety Reports


1 or more Students can be assigned to a coach. Coach can see the progress and basic training records of the Students assigned to him/her.  Can also answer questions via the 'Email Coach' link on the Student desk and within modules (if your module is set for that).


Gets assigned 1 or more modules. Instructor can then view the training progress of Students in the module(s) assigned to the instructor.  If a module is set as 'manually scored' the instructor logs in and marks those exams.


Each supervisor or head of department is assigned. Then, you place employees from different departments (i.e. parts) into 'Student Groups', and then you can assign one or more Student Groups to a Manager. The Manager can then view the training records of the students within those Groups assigned to him/her. The Manager also checks off the completion of the 'Practical Component' if that option is set for a module. The Registrar has the option to allow Managers to assign modules to Students.


One of the two major roles and ones that should assigned with care.  Registrar enrolls new users in the system and assigns them their appropriate role(s).  Registrar also groups Modules in to Curriculum, assigns modules and curriculum to Students, and has access to all training records.


Creates and edits content, primarily modules and exams.  Also controls what goes into the Document Manager, Glossary, Tasks, and Links which all show on the Student Desks.


Creates and sends Memos.


Receives submitted Incident Reports, assigns tasks to them, closes out reports, and can create/modify the report forms.

*High Risk Roles:  Registrar and Training Developer are considered high risk roles. Anyone with Registrar role can modify or delete any or all users and/or training records, and anyone with Training Developer role can modify or delete any or all content.  These roles must be kept to an absolute minimum and assigned only to persons who currently and actively need them.  Assign and use with care. Withdraw the role if not being actively used.  Immediately withdraw the role if there is a dispute with or termination of an employee who has the role.


STUDENT: All Employees. You need a Student desk to take modules and exams, receive memos, Submit Incident Reports, and to use the Document Manager, Glossary, Tasks, and Links.

COACH: Roughly 1 experienced employee per every 5 - 10 other employees.

INSTRUCTOR: The subject matter experts of particular modules (ie: The company's fire safety expert would be the Instructor for the Fire Safety modules, the Warehouse Supervisor would be the instructor for the Forklift Operator module, etc.).

MANAGER: Each supervisor or manager of a department or group of employees; or to an outside auditing consultant or inspector.

REGISTRAR: There should only be 1 registrar in the company, except in very large companies.  Must know what they are doing because Registrar can delete any or all users and all the data (records) associated with them.

TRAINING DEVELOPER: Assigned to person who is currently and actively creating or editing content.  Can modify any or all content and all the data associated with it, so this role should be kept to a minimum and withdrawn from anyone not actively using it.  A typical company will have about 1 - 4 Training Developers.

COMMUNICATIONS: Whoever will be sending Memos. Usually 1 person in each key department.  You do NOT want to allow too many people to send memos.  Can also delete memos and all the records of them having been sent.

SAFETY MANAGER: Usually 1 or 2 people in a company to whom incident reports are submitted, and they deal with the investigations, rectifications, and any required filing or reporting of incidents.



The Tokens Inventory is shown in the ‘Tokens’ tab in Registrar.  It clearly shows how many tokens you have in your system, separated out into those tokens which are currently in use by users and those which are available to assign to users.

There is an optional "Low Tokens Warning" feature for each type of token, to remind you when it is time to order more of that token type.


In REGISTRAR, click “Tokens” tab at left


Fill in the form and submit.

Please allow one full business day for order to be processed.  We try to process them quicker, but could take up to one business day.

For Student Tokens, the price will be calculated at your company's quantity pricing tier to the nearest number of months remaining the paid portion of your subscription, down to a minimum of 4 months.  If the price is under $200, we will just process that and send you an invoice, payable in 30 days.  If the price is over $200, we will reply via email with the price and ask if you approve.

For Staff level tokens, there is no cost. However, we may first confirm a request with you with a warning about the use of that type of role and ask you to confirm you actually want more of that token type.

Once we approve the Tokens Request, the new tokens are instantly in your system in the un-used tokens.

Trainer's Edition

Everything is exactly the same as the Workplace Edition EXCEPT:

  • The Trainer's Edition also has "Module Tokens" and "Demo Module Tokens".  
  • There is no subscription, and there is no cost for Student Tokens.
  • You pay ONLY for Module Tokens.
  • You need ONE Module Token to assign a Module to One user One time.
  • The "Memos" and "Incident Reports" features are not included, and thus there are no Communications or Safety Manager roles or tokens for them (unless specifically arranged with the system provider).


Same as Workplace Edition, but there is no cost for a Student.  There is no annual subscription for the Trainer's Edition, you only pay for Module Tokens.  So you can assign an unlimited number of Students and set them all up in the system for free, and they can use all the tools available on their Student Desk. However, to assign any module (or a group of Courses within a Curriculum) to a Student, you need to have the corresponding number of Module Tokens (1 per course).

Once you assign a Module to a Student (or Curriculum), there is no expiry (unless you set one for that Course). Once they have finished the Course, it goes into locked "Reference Mode" where questions and exam are locked and it can not create Certificates.  



Pricing is set as worked out with your company, and they are paid for when first ordered.   They do not expire, so you can buy an inventory of Module Tokens and use them whenever you like.


Are exactly the same as Module Tokens except:

  • You do NOT pay for Demo Module Tokens (free).
  • When you use a Demo Module Token to assign a course, there is a bold header saying "DEMO ONLY - NOT FOR TRAINING" on every page in the Module and on the Certificate.
  • You are not allowed to sell courses that use Demo Module Tokens or attempt to use them for any actual training.
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